My Novel

So this is where I post excerpts from whatever novel I'm working on. Be sure to check this page often, because yes, excerpts will come and go. Enjoy and comment!!!!

Chapter 26: Anna

Her blonde hair winds around the monitors. Bright and light and sunny like the summer I wish we could have savored.

I spend every day here. Every waking moment. Our father hasn't come in once. My mother sits in the corner. Cold. Brainwashed. Loosely clothed. To cover her imperfections he tells her she has. To cover the scars. She pretends to care. That Abby is dying in front of her. That the other will follow. That our world is falling into bread crumbs. Things are very hard to find in a vat of bread crumbs. But when you look at it now you can see where it started breaking off, and cracking, and dangling over the bread crumbs. And where it just skimmed the top. And then when pieces started to fall, and I made it wobble until it crashed into the pit.

Where Abby won't wake up. I have told her a thousand times. I need her to wake up. We can pretend this all never happened and move off into the mist. And we can be a family, just the two of us. There are a thousand fantasies, adventures we can have. But first she has to wake up. Abby please wake up. The doctor says there's nothing too wrong. A concussion. That she should be awake. But she ISN”T.

Abby please wake up.

Chapter 27: Alice

My head hurts. People say it all the time as if hurt is a little aching pain. Hurt is stabbing pain. Throbbing. And searing. And eating at you. Knawing at you every thought. Pounding. And none of these things alone. But all of them and more. Everything more.

Chapter 28: Anna

They say I can't watch her for the rest of my life. They say wow sisters so close. They say I should walk outside, get some fresh air. They say it's like I'm her mother. I hate them.

Chapter 29: Alice


Chapter 30: Anna

I left her. They made me. They're taking blood and they don't want to scare me. But being away scares me more. I walk the hallways. So blank. So many people like me. But none of them are like me. They're waiting for people to mend. Im just waiting for Abby. To wake up.

And I stop in the breezy hallway. And I barely know why I stopped, but you could see the jet black hair. Like hers. Like when I around her. I step back and look in the room. And I'm scared again. Wires. Tubes. Dialysis.


It sinks in.