Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Something Serious

Recently, I heard about a new horrendous form of animal torture. These things happen all the time. In order to help get rid of them, we HAVE to be educated about them. So I'm sharing this issue with you all today. Bear dancing. It sounds weird. It is torture. Bears are mutilated and forced to dance on hot coals after being kidnapped as cubs. European countries STILL have bear dancers in rural places. How would you feel? Personally, I would want help. Let's start something. Something bigger than us and blogging, and writing, and growing up, and for most of us, being teenagers. Let's start a movement. Let's blog and tweet, and Facebook, and JUST TAlK about this. If people know they can make a difference. We CAN save these tortured bears together. People really don't know about this issue. I beg you. Help these bears. Just tell people.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

People Watching

People watching can be cool (like this redheaded baby!). If it is too planned, it is weird. If it is too organized, it is weird. If it is a weird stalker dude it is definitely weird. And scary. And a weensy bit stalkerish. But if it is me. Don't be scared. Really. I probably won't eat you. I'll just stare at you until your soul falls out. JOKING!


(That was evil laughter.)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My favorite quotes!!

I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass.

-Maya Angelou

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

-Maya Angelou


Thursday, June 23, 2011

For bitter old men

Just show them this.
I love laughing babies. And toddlers. And kind of adults too. If only there were laughing llamas...


Saturday, June 18, 2011

My new word of the day is Whahh!!

I seem to like "Whahh!!" just so very much. It may have something to so with the fact that I am a ninja. Because I am a ninja. Just so we are all clear. I don't ever know this blogger, but I love her ninja photo. It makes me feel so invigorated. As does this song that I am randomely addicted to. Because today I feel pretty and witty, and I TOTALLY pity and girl who isn't me today. Because I am a NINJA.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


IM A VEGGIE!! Meaning I eat no meat whatsoever. Pretty cool, huh? It was actually a really easy decision to make for me. One day, I just realized it was the right thing to do. If you have any questions, ask me, and tell me how you feel about vegetarianism. Are you one? Ever thought about it? And now I go to roleplay on nanowrimo-- with my scary charrie!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The beginning of something else

I am totally bubbling from excitement now, because I have a new novel idea. Its deep and dark and scary and it might make you cry and gasp and scream and shiver in horrific fear, but its a thriller. And it is what I am going to write this summer. Check out my novel page for the beginning, but in the meantime, here is a little explanation by the main character...

When I was thirteen, I watched my best friend die. As a matter of fact, I killed her. And tore her into tiny pieces. And roasted her flesh over a fire. And ate her. And here I am, back where people are sane. And Her bones are far away. But the voices are always close. Her voice. Shouting at me. Asking me why I stopped, didn't eat her face, didn't drink all the blood, didn't scrape the marrow from her bones. And I'm scared. That they will find out what I did, and they will make me do it again. And the next one is the baby growing inside of me. And I will have to eat my baby. And her little face and lips, and drink her blood to quench my thirst- like the savage animal she would have been.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I am the pianist

SO TODAY AT ABOUT FIVE OCLOCK IN THE MORNING I STARTED A NEW PIANO SONG!!!! Are you ready to be dazed by wonder when I tell you what it is? Jar of Hearts. When I love a song, I prettymuch go obsessive. and now I am fully encompassed by this song. DOn't worry. I will get over it. One day in the distant future.

You might cry, but this blog is so touching. Read the story of this little girl. Just read it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why does everyone want red hair?????

I am lucky enough to be one of the world's redheads.It irks me that everybody is jealous!! Comment. Tell me why the heck everybody wants my hair.


AMAZING EMOTION!!! I mean, "you're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul." How often do you get a lyric like that?!?!?!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spoon Mania

I have finally discovered the genious way to make spoons in the wilderness. And it is from an old guy. Every time I try to do this, I try using fire, or end up stabbing myself with a knife, but now I am going to go out and make a magical spoon to show off using this method.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The progress of my cactus

As many of you know from a previous post, a longtime dream of mine has finally been granted to me; I have gotten a cactus. It was doing well for a while, but then... AND THEN... IT died. I wrote a very sad poem about my cactus.

Oh cactus,
Why did you die?
I loved you so very much,
I can't lie.

now that you are gone,
I feel so sad.
Wow. What am I on??