Sunday, June 12, 2011

The beginning of something else

I am totally bubbling from excitement now, because I have a new novel idea. Its deep and dark and scary and it might make you cry and gasp and scream and shiver in horrific fear, but its a thriller. And it is what I am going to write this summer. Check out my novel page for the beginning, but in the meantime, here is a little explanation by the main character...

When I was thirteen, I watched my best friend die. As a matter of fact, I killed her. And tore her into tiny pieces. And roasted her flesh over a fire. And ate her. And here I am, back where people are sane. And Her bones are far away. But the voices are always close. Her voice. Shouting at me. Asking me why I stopped, didn't eat her face, didn't drink all the blood, didn't scrape the marrow from her bones. And I'm scared. That they will find out what I did, and they will make me do it again. And the next one is the baby growing inside of me. And I will have to eat my baby. And her little face and lips, and drink her blood to quench my thirst- like the savage animal she would have been.

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