Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Something Serious

Recently, I heard about a new horrendous form of animal torture. These things happen all the time. In order to help get rid of them, we HAVE to be educated about them. So I'm sharing this issue with you all today. Bear dancing. It sounds weird. It is torture. Bears are mutilated and forced to dance on hot coals after being kidnapped as cubs. European countries STILL have bear dancers in rural places. How would you feel? Personally, I would want help. Let's start something. Something bigger than us and blogging, and writing, and growing up, and for most of us, being teenagers. Let's start a movement. Let's blog and tweet, and Facebook, and JUST TAlK about this. If people know they can make a difference. We CAN save these tortured bears together. People really don't know about this issue. I beg you. Help these bears. Just tell people.


  1. Wow! That is mean, did you know that back then, when they still had animals in the circuses doing tricks and all that, the only way to train them was through torture. I feel bad for them :(

  2. I would love to help start a movement. With many things. I'm in. I'll blog and FB about it tomorrow. Maybe I'll post a different thing that should have a movement on my blog also tomorrow along with yours. Thank you so much for following my blog! If you like writing then you should also follow my writing blog ownersdontknock.blogspot.com
    And if you have any friends you think would be interested in either send them my way!

    -aBBi giRL

  3. I am so glad u guys care about this. We can totally make this stop.

  4. Hey, can you give me your email so we can talk? I could use a few links for stuff like this and put it on my blog-then do posts on it. It's so sad that they'd do this to the poor little bears. Kay?

    -aBBi giRL

  5. Ya sure. You can email me at petuniataha@gmail.com!

  6. Thank you!
    I'll get an email right to you(:

    -aBBi giRL
